

Stay with us at Golden Sands over Easter weekend
and receive a 20% discount off your booking!!! Quote
code EASTER25 when booking!!! Offer ends on 18th March!
Call us now on

01670 860256

for more details!
Call us on 01670 860256
Contact Northumbrian Leisure

Based in the North East of England, Northumbrian Leisure is a private, family-run holiday home enterprise. Our aim is simple. We want to offer you a high-quality, holiday experience which doesn’t cost the earth in every sense of the word.

We are committed to providing you with your perfect holiday home retreat in some of the most beautiful locations the country has to offer, while ensuring the natural environment is preserved and enhanced.

Why go abroad when everything you need for your perfect holiday is on your doorstep? Reduce your carbon footprint. Paradise is closer than you think.

Complete the form or call our friendly sales team on 01670 860256.

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